7 of the Quickest Growing Houseplants

Sometimes, we are not patient to wait for our plants to grow, right? Everyone who has houseplants must have had this feeling. No problem, some plants grow very fast, even in a cold country like Germany. 
In this article, I want to show you 7 of the quickest growing houseplants that will make you happy. More plants grow fast, but this time I want to highlight 7 of the quickest. Enjoy the article. 

Spider Plant

spider plant
I am really fascinated by spider plant. It grows very fast. A month ago, my friend gave me a little spider plant. Now, it's getting big, and I separated it into three different pots. The spider plantloves bright rooms with no direct sunlight. However, it's okay if this plant gets morning or evening sun. Just don't put this plant in the south window because the sunlight shines through the window the whole day. If you have a bright bathroom, it would be nice to put this plant there because of the high moisture. It makes the plant grow and propagate more quickly

String of Hearts (Ceropegia Woodii Silver Glory)

string of hearts
I bought string of hearts two months ago. This plant can grow up to 3 meters long. When I got this, it was about 20 cm long. Right now, the longest vine is about 50 cm long. This one grew super fast. I cannot wait to see this plant grow even longer. The info about propagation, I already wrote in another article

By the way, I love the beautiful leaves of this plant so much. I can't stop looking at it, that's why I have it in my sleeping room. String of hearts loves a bright room without too much sun. It can tolerate morning or evening sun. However, direct sunlight all day long is not recommended. 

Golden Photos (Epipremnum Aureum)

golden photos family
Golden photos has beautifully colored leaves as well. I bought it last year and propagated it often. Now, I have many of them. The plant Mama is the big one in the yellow pot, as you can see in the picture. You can put this plant in a bright room without direct sunlight or even in partial shade. However, to keep the color of leaves chooses a bright room. I put it in the north window, and it's happy there. Propagating plants makeS plants grow faster and bushier. And I love propagating my plants. If you do this regularly, you will have more plants.

Wax Plant (Hoya Carnosa Publicalis) 

hoya carnosa publicalisthe new leaves of hoya 
I just call this plant hoya because its name is too long. I got this in March. Now, it's quite long and has 12 new leaves. I decided not to hang it again because it climbed the wall. So, I built something for it to climb and it still looks happy, as you can see in the picture. I put my hoya in the north window. Hoyas love a bright room but don't need direct sunlight. 

Monstera Monkey Mask (M. Adansonii)

the new shoots growmonkey mask family

Monstera monkey mask has really unique leaves. I got this in December last year, but it grew very fast. I already propagated it two times, and my friends also got some cuttings of it. Right now, they grow like crazy. I will let them grow longer first before I propagate them again and again, lol. This plant loves a bright room. At the moment, I placed mine in the north rooms far from the window but, they are still happy. 


my sempervivumbeuaty of sempervivumleft is the quickest
I have three kinds of sempervivum. It's a very new plant for me. However, it seems very easy to keep. You can put it in a bright room with direct sunlight or in a room without sunlight. I just got it around two weeks ago, it grows like crazy, especially one of them. You can see in the picture the one with the long stem. I put mine in the bathroom. So far, it's quite good. 

Alocasia Wentii 
alocasia wentii, left mama, right baby my alocasia in April

I almost lost my Alocasia because it got infected by pests. Last December, I cut off all the leaves of plant Mama and her baby. At that time, I thought, "I am sure that it didn't completely die when I cut all the leaves." Luckily, the leaves are growing back again. They started to grow around February/March. Within 2 months, they already had four big leaves. I am so happy that this plant survived and recovered. I separated the plant baby around two weeks ago. Now, it grows faster. You can see the baby plant in April, how small it was.

I hope these tips can help you to choose plants that you want to grow. If you just began planting, it's better to choose these kinds of plants because they are easy to keep, and it's a very happy feeling to see plants growing faster. 

So, after years of living with houseplants, I learned a lot and now know what my plants need. It makes it easier for me to take care of them. If you often propagate your plants, it makes your plants grow faster. But, let's not forget some other factors that make plants grow faster are the correct amounts of light, humidity, and water. 
Back to watering, I remind you again: You should check the top of the substrate, about 1 cm, and only water if it is already dry. It's better to do so before you overwater them. Watering a little less is better than watering too much. 
Anyway, right now, I have 141 plants in my apartment. It's crazy. So, my goal this year is not to have more than 200 plants because my apartment is not big enough for more than 200 plants. I have neither a balcony nor a garden, lol. 

Stay healthy!
Xoxo, Rita 

Disclaimer: This article contains affiliate links to products on amazon Germany. If you use the links to navigate to amazon and buy something (even if it is not the item the link leads to) I will receive a percentage of the purchasing cost. It doesn't cost you any extra but really helps me. So, feel free to use these links for any purchases you might want to make. Thank you guys!
Here is a list of the items that I have linked to in this article:
Bio soil ( Pflanzenerde) 40 Liter
spider plant and golden photos
string of hearts
hoya seeds
4 different sempervivum
Monstera Monkey Mask
Alocasia Black Velvet
nature plant pots


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